If you are looking for a way to give the wood surfaces in your home a fresh look, the best way to do this is to repaint it. To do this, however, you must first strip the wood of the previous paint or staining work to give a nice and smooth surface to work with.
The best way to remove the old paint and stain from a wood surface is to use a good paint stripper. Before applying it, however, know that paint stripper is a strong chemical, and you must take precautions. Other, less strong chemicals may remove the paint from wood.
If you have done your research, you know that several methods can be used to remove paint from wood. So let’s look at how to use a paint stripper on wood surfaces to remove the paint more effectively.
How to Strip Paint from Wood

Whether you want to strip the paint from a wood surface in your home to give it a fresh look or it is necessary due to unsightly stains or other ailments, you can accomplish this goal in no time. This is because there are many ways to strip the paint off wood, depending on a few factors.
If you take the time to research and follow the steps carefully, you can successfully remove the paint without any problems. However, keep in mind that it is essential to remove any paint on the surface of the wood before you can repaint or re-stain it.
Depending on your preferred method, there are several ways to strip the paint from a wood surface. Some methods are chemical stripping or more natural methods such as heat or other household items.
Assessing Whether Paint Can Be Stripped
Before you can begin stripping the paint off your wood surfaces, you first need to evaluate whether it can be stripped. Unfortunately, some pieces of wood are far past the point of being stripped and redone.
While wood is known to be a sturdy and reliable surface, it is not protected from all contingencies. If the wood is not well protected and taken care of, you may face unrepairable wood rot.
Inspect all sides of the piece for rot if attempting to strip and repaint a wood surface. Since wood rot can be either wet or dry, it is essential to know what to look for so it can be treated properly.
In some cases, when the problem is small, you may be able to fix it by removing any moisture or anything that may lead to wood rot. Once this is done, you should be able to fill in any holes and then begin the stripping process.
There are some cases, however, that you may determine lost causes, most of which are when the wood is so rotted that it has lost its integrity. When this happens, it is advisable to replace the wood entirely.
What are Your Options for Stripping Paint?

When it comes to stripping paint from wood surfaces, there are several methods that you can use to get the job done. While some of these techniques use chemicals, others use more natural methods.
Depending on your personal preferences, you may want to experiment with different methods until you find the one that works best for you. While all of the techniques listed here work effectively, you may find that one works much more effectively than the others.
Searching for the best methods to strip paint from your wood surfaces? Keep reading to find out!
Natural Methods
While, in most cases, chemical methods of stripping paint from wood surfaces tend to work more effectively, a surprising number of more natural methods work great. Moreover, many of these ways use products you may already have around the house.
Check out these natural methods to stripping paint from wood surfaces that work best:
- Heat guns, such as this SEEK ONE Heat Gun (on Amazon), work wonders in removing paint from just about any wood surface. This method applies heat to the painted surface until it bubbles enough to scrape off with a paint scraper.
- Infrared devices also work wonders in removing paint from wood surfaces. Using one of these tools can sometimes cut the work time in half since only short blasts are needed to begin stripping away at paint that may have been there for years.
- Vinegar is another natural method that can be used to remove paint from various wood surfaces without using harsh chemicals. While this method may not be as effective or quick as others, it can still be a great alternative.
- A steam stripper is a tool that applies steam to the wood surface to cause the paint to become thin and bubble. Once this process occurs, it can be scraped away with a paint scraper.
- One tried and tested method people have used for many years to strip paint from wood surfaces is using a sander like this DeWalt Orbital Sander (on Amazon). Sanding the wood removes the paint quickly and effectively. It also provides a smoother surface when you get ready to repaint or stain the wood.
While this is only a short list of the natural methods of stripping paint from wood surfaces, it should be enough to get you started.
Chemical Methods
Although, by definition, chemical methods indicate that the substance you are using contains certain chemicals that could be dangerous, there are safer options on the market. In addition, chemical methods of removing old paint are typically more effective and easier to use than natural methods.
If you have done any research, you will find that many products out there will do the job of stripping the old paint from wood surfaces. Some products, however, are a safer option than others.
Here are some of the safer options to strip paint using chemical methods:
- Citristrip Paint and Varnish Stripping Gel (on Amazon) is an excellent option if you are stripping either flat surfaces or specific hard-to-reach details on wood surfaces. Citristrip is a gel with a citrus scent and is much thinner than other products. However, applying the stripper to the surface may require you to leave it on for several hours before the paint can be removed.
- Smart Strip Advanced Paint Remover (on Amazon) is a paste that contains Benzyl Alcohol as its active ingredient. This paste is highly recommended for its versatility in the way you can put it on and the fact that it does not have a strong chemical smell to contend with.
- Peel Away 1 Heavy-Duty Paint Remover (on Amazon) by Dumond Chemicals is another way to remove paint from wood surfaces. Since the active ingredient in this paint stripper is Lye, it is recommended that you apply a neutralizing agent after it dries and before you begin to scrape it off.
What Safety Equipment Should You Consider Wearing?

Whether using chemical or natural methods to remove the paint from wood surfaces, you should be aware of several safety precautions. These precautions will help keep you and anyone assisting safe from accidents.
- One vital piece of protective equipment you should always have when stripping paint and dealing with other chemicals or natural methods is safety glasses. These DeWalt Safety Goggles (on Amazon) work great at protecting your eyes from anything you are using while removing paint from wood.
- In addition to protective eyewear, you should consider having a good pair of heat and chemical-resistant gloves. This will ensure your hands will be protected at all times against whatever method you choose to use.
- Anytime you work with chemicals or sand particles, you should wear a protective mask. This is because any items used to strip the paint off your wood furniture can be ingested or inhaled, which can cause more harm than good.
Overall, ensuring you are protected from potential dangers should be done every time you work on a wood project, such as stripping it down. This is because the last thing you want is to be exposed to harmful chemicals, either through air or skin contact.
Testing Paint for Lead
If you are attempting to remove paint in a home built before 1940, you will likely need to check for lead before moving forward. This is because homes before this time were built using paint that contained the substance.
While the use of lead in paint reduced tremendously after the 1950s, it was not completely banned until the late 1970s in the United States. Because of this, many homes out there still have lead paint.
The only way to determine whether or not the paint in your home contains lead is to test it using one of several methods. Whether you want to test it yourself for faster results or contact a professional, this is a step you will not want to skip.
Here are a few ways you can test for lead in the paint in your home:
- Call in a professional who is trained in the ability to detect lead in paint.
- Research labs in your area or beyond that you can send a scraping to confirm whether the paint contains lead.
- Purchase a kit that allows you to test for lead yourself.
How to Remove Lead from Paint
If you have determined that the paint in your home contains lead, you will need to take measures to remove it before you do anything else. You should take several precautions if you decide to remove the lead from the paint in your house.
Check out these precautions and methods you should use to remove lead from paint:
- Avoid using sanders or other tools that will kick up dust and lead particles into the air.
- If you have to sand the wood, use either a wet-sand method or a shroud to keep the dust from getting into the air.
- Experts recommend using only heat or chemical stripping agents when removing lead paint.
- Once you have removed the lead paint, you will need to place the remnants in specialized bags to keep them from getting into other places.
Step-by-Step Guide to Stripping Paint
Now that you know the various tools and methods used to strip paint, you should follow specific steps to get the job done. But, again, doing research can go a long way if you want to ensure that you correctly strip the paint from your wood surfaces.
To learn more about the steps you should take to strip paint, read on.
Step 1: Inspect the Wood to Determine if it is Worth Stripping
Some wood surfaces are sometimes better off being left alone or replaced altogether. This can happen when the wood has been exposed to water or other types of moisture for long periods.
Before setting your heart on stripping a wood surface, inspect it thoroughly to ensure it is worth your time.
Step 2: Test the Wood Surface for Lead
After determining whether the wood is worth stripping, you must ensure it does not contain lead. As stated previously, you can either do this yourself, send a scraping to a lab, or even have a professional test the wood surfaces.
Step 3: Decide if You are Going to DIY the Project
Taking a piece of wood from old to new is highly satisfying to many people for various reasons. If you have an old wood piece to which you want to give a facelift, the next step is to determine whether you should DIY the project or hire a professional to take care of it.
Step 4: Choose Your Method of Stripping
After determining that you want to take care of the paint stripping yourself, it is time to choose which method to use. Since there is a wide range of techniques, you should spend time learning about each to make an informed decision.
Step 5: Purchase Your Supplies and Protective Gear
The next step in the paint stripping process is after you have decided on the method you want to use to make some purchases. After that, you will need to buy supplies for stripping paint and protective gear to keep you safe.
Step 6: Begin Using Your Chosen Method
With everything in place, you are ready to begin using your chosen method to remove paint from the wood surface you have chosen. Experts recommend that this step in the process be done slowly, so you get it done correctly.
Step 7: Use a Paint Scraper to Remove Hard-to-Get Areas
If you run into problems and hard-to-reach areas, you may consider using a paint scraper or other tool to help. However, it is likely that whether you use a paint stripper or another method, you will not have to apply a lot of pressure.
Step 8: Clean and Sand the Wood Surface
Once you have made sure that all the paint has been removed, you will need to clean the wood surface. This typically involves using a soft cloth and water to make sure all of the debris is removed. You will also need to sand down the wood to ensure the surface is clean and smooth before you paint it.
What Can Be Used for Detailed Stripping Work?
If you are working with a piece of wood with a lot of detailing, you may need to consider purchasing other tools to help with the process. These tools can help you get into areas other stripping methods do not.
Here is a list of items that can be used for detailed stripping work:
- Spoons are a great tool that can be used in various ways to help scrap the paint off wood surfaces. Make sure you use a sturdy one since wood is a harder surface.
- If you are having trouble getting debris out of hard-to-reach areas, you may consider using dental picks or dental floss to help remove it.
- Dental floss or sanding cords can remove dirt and debris from small areas that are not susceptible to other removal methods.
Final Thoughts About Using Paint Stripper on Wood
The bottom line regarding using paint strippers on wood is that both chemical and natural methods are available. However, to do the job effectively, you must ensure you have done your research to learn about the different techniques before you begin.