Remove Chalk Paint From Wood With This Easy Guide

If you have ever used chalk paint on a wood surface, then you know how it can transform an ordinary surface into one easily written on with chalk. But what if you decide you no longer want the chalk paint surface or if the surface is beginning to chip or peel? Can you remove it easily?

Although it seems daunting, removing chalk paint from wood can be a relatively simple task if you follow specific instructions. You will need to remove all hardware, ventilate the area, cover the paint with a paint stripper, and then use sandpaper to remove any remaining paint. 

Learning to remove chalk paint from wood can be challenging if you are unsure where to start. So let’s look at some of the best ways to tackle the project to get the desired results.

Remove All Hardware from the Wood

Mint chalk paint on wooden surface

Before you remove chalk paint from your wood surfaces, you must ensure you have removed any hardware. This is because some methods used to remove the paint can cause the hardware to rust or lead to other damage.

Whether you are attempting to remove chalk paint from furniture, a door, or other wood surfaces, any hardware that can be removed should be. If pieces of hardware cannot be removed, you will need to at least cover them to protect them from chemicals and other products.

When preparing the wood surface for chalk paint removal, you should inspect the surface entirely before starting. This will ensure that you have either removed or protected any hardware that the wood has.

Make Sure Your Area is Properly Ventilated

Anytime you use chemicals or other paint removal products, you must work in a well-ventilated area. This is an essential step before you get started to prevent inhaling or ingesting any fumes or debris from the process.

If you are working on the project outside, then you will need to ensure that you have safely covered the ground you are working on. Since you are working outside, in most cases, this is enough ventilation to keep you safe from harmful chemicals and debris.

However, if you are working inside a garage or shop, you must always keep open doors and windows. This will keep the fumes and debris from building up and causing damage to you or the area you are working.

Expert DIYers emphasize the importance of ensuring that your area is adequately ventilated throughout the process. While it is also essential to wear protective equipment, this is not a substitute for a well-ventilated area.

Cover the Area with a Paint Stripper

Once you have taken care of ventilation and the removal of any hardware, you are most likely ready to begin the process. You should have already purchased your supplies, such as a paint stripper.

Using a brush that the manufacturer recommends, coat the entire surface with the paint stripper (on Amazon) and follow the instructions carefully. In most cases, you will cover the area with the stripper and then leave it for some time.

While covering the area with the paint stripping product, you should wear personal protective equipment. This will prevent you from inhaling the harmful chemicals that they contain.

And paint strippers do not work quickly since they need time to absorb the paint. You will most likely need to leave the product on the surface for 20 minutes or more.

In older wood surfaces, the time it takes to remove the paint using a paint stripper can increase depending on the condition. This means that you could be looking at upwards of two or more hours for the product to be effective.

Use a Scraper or Sandpaper to Remove the Remaining Paint

Woman hands sandpaper and repair windows and wooden frames

Once the paint stripper has been left on the wood surface for the recommended time, you should be ready to go to the next step. This step involves removing the paint stripper from the wood to ensure the job has been done.

To do this, use a soft cloth to wipe away the paint stripper from the wood surface using firm strokes. You may discover that some of the chalk paint has been left behind after one treatment. If this is the case, you will need to apply the paint stripper again.

If you find areas on the wood that are harder to remove, using a scraper or sandpaper can reduce the number of treatments you have to use. Also, using a paint scraper (on Amazon) can be handy when dealing with paint that has worked itself into various crevices.

If you find some chalk paint still on the wood surface, even after a few treatments, you may want to use sandpaper to remove it. Whether you have a mechanical sander or choose to do it the old-fashioned way, sanding the surface can effectively remove the rest of the chalk paint.

What Can I Use Besides Paint Stripper?

If you are attempting to remove chalk paint from your wood surfaces but do not like the idea of using chemicals, the good news is that there are alternatives. These ways allow you to strip the chalk paint off without exposing yourself to harmful fumes.


Vinegar is one household item you most likely have lying around that can help you remove chalk paint from various surfaces. The great thing about vinegar is it is a relatively inexpensive method of removing some paint from wood.

Vinegar is not as strong as some other methods of removing chalk paint from wood. This is especially true regarding the use of chemical paint strippers and their ability to get the job done.

Overall, if you have a small piece of furniture or wood piece, you may have quite a bit of success removing the paint from the surface with vinegar. However, you will need to work on a small section at a time.

Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another substance most people have in their homes that can be used to remove chalk paint from wood surfaces. Since the active ingredient is about 70% isopropyl alcohol, it is relatively effective in loosening the paint.

Like vinegar, rubbing alcohol is not commonly used to remove paint, so it may not be as effective as other substances. However, if you are patient, you will likely be able to remove the paint on a smaller item much easier.

To use rubbing alcohol when removing chalk paint, you should never pour it directly onto the surface. Instead, the best way to use it is to pour it onto a soft cloth and then rub it onto the surface in a circular motion until the paint is removed.

Soap and Water

Some people who remove paint from wood often but do not want to be exposed to harsh chemicals suggest using plain soap and water. While it does not work as quickly as other methods, it will work with a bit of time and persistence.

This works because when you coat the surface with soap and water and let it set for a bit, it will eventually cause the paint to bubble. When this occurs, you can use a soft cloth to wipe off the debris left behind.

At the end of the day, if you do not want to use a chemical paint stripper, soap and water are one of the purest methods you can use. This method is designed to keep you safe throughout the paint removal process.

Heat Gun

Another natural method for removing chalk paint from wood is to purchase a heat gun to melt the paint off. The heat from the gun will cause the paint to bubble up so that it can easily be wiped away.

Using this method means you will have to purchase a recommended heat gun for the exact job. Since many are on the market, you will need to research to discover which will work best for you.

When using a heat gun to remove chalk paint on wood, you will need to be careful and keep the gun in motion at all times. This is because leaving it in one place for a long time can catch the wood on the fire.

If you have chosen to use a heat gun, you should wear protective gear such as safety glasses and a mask before using the method. This also includes wearing gloves since the heat can burn your hands quickly.

Final Thoughts on Removing Chalk Paint from Wood

The bottom line when it comes to removing chalk paint from wood is that it can be relatively easy if you know what you are doing. Thanks to the steps and methods listed above, you should be able to remove chalk paint from any wood surface in your home in no time at all.

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